Alva Vanderbilt Belmont (1853-1933)

Mrs Alva Erskine (Smith) Vanderbilt Belmont, Society Hostess & Rights Activist

Born in Mobile, Alabama. Her father was initially a successful cotton merchant; her mother was a niece of Joseph Desha, Governor of Kentucky; and, she was named for her great-grandmother's uncle, James Erskine, Lord Alva. She was brought up in New York aside from four years in Paris. On one hand, Alva was the haughty, high-handed society hostess of New York's Gilded Age, but she also almost single-handedly pioneered women's rights in America. In 1909, she established the Political Equality League to get votes for suffrage-supporting New York State politicians before joining the National American Woman Suffrage Association. She was President of the New York Division, leading them at the Women's Votes Parade in 1912. In 1916, she co-founded the National Woman's Party and the following year organized the first picketing ever to take place at The White House. She was elected President of the National Woman's Party, an office she held to her death. She also had a penchant for expensive houses, notably chateaux, and was elected the first female member of the American Institute of Architects.

In her memoirs, Winston Churchill's private secretary said Alva was the only person she had ever seen intimidate her employer: "this formidable female adversary proved too much for him"! On "Equal Pay Day" (April 12, 2016), Alva was honored as President Barack Obama established the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument. She was married twice; controversially divorced once; and, was mother to three children. 


Murray Forbes Smith

Cotton Broker, of Mobile, Alabama; and, New York City


Phoebe Ann Desha

Mrs Phoebe (Desha) Smith



William Kissam Vanderbilt

W.K. Vanderbilt I, Railroad President & Racehorse Owner, of New York & France


Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont

"Ollie" O.H.P. Belmont, of New York & Newport, Rhode Island



Consuelo Vanderbilt

Consuelo, 9th Duchess of Marlborough; afterwards Madame Balsan


William Kissam Vanderbilt II

"Willie K." Vanderbilt, Jr.


Harold Stirling Vanderbilt

"Mike" Harold Stirling Vanderbilt C.B.E., of New York & Palm Beach


Associated Houses

Murray Forbes Smith House

Mobile, Alabama


Oakdale, Islip, New York

Marble House

Newport, Rhode Island

Idle Hour

Oakdale, New York

Ruth Brown House

Manhattan, New York


Newport, Rhode Island


East Meadow, New York

Beacon Towers

Sands Point, New York

Château d'Augerville

, Centre-Val de Loire

Main Image, Courtesy of the Library of Congress; New York Historical Society & Museum: Suffrage on the Menu; Long Island Historical Journal: Life of Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont; Alva Vanderbilt Belmont (2012) by Sylvia D. Hoffert