James Stewart (1778-1814)

Merchant, of New York City

He was born at Steelend in Perthshire and came to America as a merchant in New York City. In 1810, his brother-in-law described his eldest son (Charles) as, "a lively, well-taught fellow as any I have seen" and rather unfairly described his younger son (David), who was then only a few months old, as "a whining, crabbed little urchin"! As it was, David became a multi-millionaire and Charles died alone, unmarried, and unpopular with his neighbors. James died at New York City.

Parents (2)

Thomas Stewart

of Steelend, Perthshire; "Officer in the Royal Army"


Mary (Brough) Stewart

Mrs Mary (Brough) Stewart


Spouse (1)

Isabella (Tod) Stewart

Mrs Isabella (Tod) Stewart


Children (3)

James Stewart

Died in childhood


Charles Stewart

of Middletown, New Jersey; died unmarried


David Stewart

of New York City; President of the American Coal Company
