Thomas Amory (1682-1728)

Merchant, of Boston, Massachusetts

He was born at Dublin, Ireland. He went with his parents to Barbados and then to Charleston, South Carolina, where his father was Speaker of the Assembly of South Carolina; Advocate-General of South Carolina; and, Public Treasurer of South Carolina. His half-sister, Sarah, married Governor Arthur Middleton and their son built Middleton Place. In 1696, Thomas and his sister, Anne, were sent to England for their education. Returning to Charleston, he became a merchant in Nicholas Oursell's firm and was sent to the Azores. In 1719, he moved to Boston and two years later (1721) he married Rebecca, daughter of Francis Holmes "the industrious ship-owner and trader" who owned a tavern at Boston called the "Bunch of Grapes" where all new governors and important visitors were entertained. Thomas bought property in the south end of Boston where he built warehouses and wharves. Through inheritance and investment, he also owned land in Carolina, the Azores, and Maine. He was survived by three sons and three daughters, including Mrs Edward Payne whose daughter built Gore Place in Waltham.

Parents (2)

Jonathan Amory

Speaker of the Assembly of South Carolina etc.


Rebecca Houston

Mrs Rebecca (Houston) Amory


Spouse (1)

Rebecca (Holmes) Amory

Mrs Rebecca (Holmes) Amory


Children (6)

Sarah (Amory) Nightingale

Mrs “Sallie” Sarah (Amory) Nightingale


Thomas Amory

Merchant, of Boston, Massachusetts


Mary (Amory) Newell

Mrs Mary (Amory) Newell, of Bowdoin Square, Boston; died without issue


Rebecca (Amory) Payne

Mrs Rebecca (Amory) Payne


Jonathan Amory

Merchant of J. & J. Amory, Boston, Massachusetts


John Amory

"The Loyalist" Merchant, of Boston, Massachusetts
