Sydney Jones Colford Jr. (1885-1951)

Sydney Jones Colford Jr., of New York City & Newport, Rhode Island

He was born in new York City. He served in World War I, winning distinction first as an ambulance driver for the French Army and then as a translator with the rank of Sergeant in the Marines. He was recalled as being, "a most amusing fellow (and) an excellent linguist. He could speak French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian (and) was very generous with his money". He was awarded Silver Stars for distinguished service at the Battles of Belleau Wood and Chateau de Thierry. He was married three times: (1) In 1907, to Clara Waterman Knight. They lived at Clarendon Court in Newport where they, "entertained extensively" and had two daughters. They divorced in 1920 (2) In 1921, to Cathleen Neilson, who was previously married to Reginald C. Vanderbilt, father of Gloria Vanderbilt. They lived in an apartment at 130 East 67th Street, New York City. She died six years later, without children (3) In 1928, to Elizabeth Oakes, and they had two children. He died at 1 Osborne Court, Newport.


Sydney Jones Colford

Changed name from Sydney Colford Jones, of New York, Paris & Newport


Laura (Chartrand) Colford

Mrs Laura Frances (Chartrand) Colford



Clara (Knight) Potter

Mrs Clara Waterman (Knight) Colford, afterwards Potter


Cathleen (Neilson) Colford

Mrs Cathleen Gebhard (Neilson) Vanderbilt, Colford


Elizabeth (Oakes) Colford

Mrs Elizabeth (Oakes) Colford



Dorothy (Colford) Armstrong

Mrs Dorothy Knight (Colford) Courcelle de Sibert, Armstrong


Clara (Colford) Doreau

Mrs Clara Dwight (Colford) Doreau


Sydney Jones Colford

Sydney Jones Colford


Juliana (Colford) Van Buskirk

Mrs Juliana (Colford) Van Buskirk


Associated Houses

Clarendon Court

Newport, Rhode Island