Louis-Alexandre Foucher de Careil (1826-1891)

Louis-Alexandre Foucher de Careil, Ambassador & Senator of Seine-et-Marne

He was born in Paris, the grandson of one of Napoleon's Generals and a Baron of the Empire, Louis-Francois Foucher de Careil. He made a name for himself early in his career by publishing the works of the philosopher Leibniz. Entering politics, he was elected to the General Council at Calvados where he owned several properties. He toured the United States between 1869 and 1871 and on his return was appointed Director-General of Ambulances in Brittany and the Prefect of Seine-et-Marne in 1872. From 1876 to his death, he was Senator for Seine-et-Marne and from 1883 to 1886, he was the French Ambassador to Austria-Hungary. He was a Commander de la Légion d'Honneur and a founder of the National Society of Agriculture. In 1851, at Paris, he married Amélie Fayau de Vilgruy (1829-1911) and had a son and two daughters. 


Amélie Fayau de Vilgruy

Amélie (Fayau de Vilgruy) Foucher de Careil



Raymond Foucher de Careil

Raymond Foucher de Careil


Marie Foucher de Careil

Marie (Foucher de Careil) Faille de Leverghem


Jeanne Foucher de Careil

Jeanne (Foucher de Careil) La Caze


Associated Houses

Villa Maria Serena

Menton, Côte d'Azur