Judith Carter (Moale) Cutting (1847-1915)

Mrs Judith Carter (Moale) Cutting

She grew up in Baltimore where her and her twin sister (Evelyn) were noted society "belles". Both she and her sister were named through her father's family for their great-great grandmother, Mrs Anne (Byrd) Carter who grew up at the Westover Plantation in Virginia. Judith married Robert Livingston Cutting Jr. and they lived at 141 Fifth Avenue New York City but after her husband's death she moved to Paris where she died. They had been prominent members of "The Four Hundred" as was Judith's sister who married I. Townsend Burden. The Cuttings were the parents of two children who survived to adulthood: (1) Robert III, became an actor, married an actress, Minnie Seligman, and was both disinherited and sued by his mother (2) James, died unmarried. 


William Armistead Moale

William Armistead Moale, Attorney, of Baltimore, Maryland


Mary (Winchester) Moale

Mrs Mary (Winchester) Moale



Robert Livingston Cutting Jr.

Robert L. Cutting Jr., of New York City; Member of the Committee of Seventy



Robert Livingston Cutting III

Robert Livingston Cutting III, of New York City


James DeWolf Cutting

James DeWolf Cutting, of New York City, died unmarried
