John Walter Livingston (1778-1860)

Lt.-Colonel John W. Livingston, of the New York City & Skaneateles

He served as an engineer in the United States military  selecting sites for fortifications along America's frontiers. He resigned his commission after his marriage in 1806 to Julia, daughter of John Broome, Lieutenant-Governor of New York. On the outbreak of war in 1812, he returned to the military and rose to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel on his appointment as Adjutant to the Governor of New York, Daniel Tompkins, one of whose Lieutenants was his father-in-law. After the war, he was appointed U.S. Marshal of the Northern District of New York and took up residence at a large house just south of Skaneateles. They aso kept a townhouse in New York at 28 East 22nd Street. They were the parents of three daughters: (1) Julia, married Rev. Henry Phillip Tappan (2) Adele, married Joseph Sampson (3) Mary, married her cousin John William (Turk) Livingston who took the name of Livingston to continue the name.


John William Livingston

Captain John W. Livingston, of Hammond Street, New York


Ann Saunders

Mrs Ann (Saunders) Livingston



Julia (Broome) Livingston

Mrs Julia (Broome) Livingston



Adele (Livingston) Sampson

Mrs Adele Caroline (Livingston) Sampson
