John Adams (1735-1826)

Founding Father & 2nd President of the United States (1797-1801)

He was preceded in the Presidency by George Washington and after serving one term in office for the Federalist Party he was succeeded in 1801 by his Vice-President, Thomas Jefferson. He was born into a Puritan family at Braintree, Massachusetts, and was educated at Harvard after which he determined to become "a great man". He became a lawyer and in 1775 went to Philadelphia as one of the Delegates from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress. He perhaps more than anyone else in Congress pushed for an end to British rule. On the outbreak of war, he was appointed head of the Board of War & Ordinance and working up to 18-hours a day he was described as a, "one man war department".

Between 1777 and 1782, he was on service in Europe, first as a diplomat in France and then as U.S. Minister to the Netherlands. He co-negotiated the Treaty of Paris (1783) that ended the war and saw the United States globally recognized as an independent nation. From 1785, he was 1st U.S. Minister to Britain. Returning to Massachusetts in 1788, America was preparing for its first Presidential election and as the Virginian George Washington was considered a shoe-in, Adams was favored for the Vice-Presidency as many thought it should fall to a Northerner. In 1789, Adams was voted the 1st Vice-President of the United States under Washington. During this time, he played a minor role in politics and did not enjoy the inactivity of the role, but nonetheless served two uncontested terms.

The 1796 Presidential Election was the first contested election in the U.S. and Adams won it for the Federalists, narrowly defeating Thomas Jefferson by 71 votes to 68. He followed Washington's example and used his term to promote Republican values, civic virtue, and to avoid war - this time against France. 

Parents (2)

John Adams Sr.

Deacon John Adams Sr., of Braintree (Quincy), Massachusetts


Susanna (Boylston) Adams

Mrs Susanna (Boylston) Adams


Spouse (1)

Abigail (Smith) Adams

Mrs Abigail (Smith) Adams, 2nd First Lady of the United States (1797-1801)


Children (6)

Abigail (Adams) Smith

Mrs "Nabby" Abigail Amelia (Adams) Smith


John Quincy Adams

6th President of the United States (1825-1829)


Grace Susanna Adams

"Susanna" or "Suky" Adams, died in childhood


Charles Adams

Charles Adams, of New York City


Thomas Boylston Adams

Chief Justice Thomas B. Adams, of Quincy, Massachusetts


Elizabeth Adams

Elizabeth Adams, stillborn


Associated Houses (4)


Quincy, Massachusetts

Bush Hill

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Richmond Hill

Manhattan, New York

The White House

Washington D.C.