Goodhue Livingston (1897-1994)
of 136 East 61st Street, New York City & Paris; President of the Fine Arts Federation
He was born in New York City and was educated at Groton School and Harvard University. In 1917, he joined the 15th Field Artillery as a 2nd Lieutenant and was wounded in action near Soissons, France. He received the Purple Cross and the Croix de Guerre. He was involved in several areas of business: He was an associate of the Equitable Trust Co., New York; Associate Editor of Pathe News; Secretary of the New York City Health Department; Executive Secretary to Mayor LaGuardia; and, a member of the New York City Planning Commission. He was President of Pix Pictures Inc., and PR Director of the National Fund for Medical Education. He was President of the Fine Arts Federation and Commodore of the Southampton Yacht Club. He was a member of the Americans for Democratic Action; the Harvard Club of New York City; Freedom House; and, the Public School Club of London, England. In 1919, at Pelham Manor, New York, he married Joan Allen. They lived between 136 East 61st Street in New York City and 19 Rue Raynouard in Paris. They had one son, Goodhue III, before their divorce in 1931. The following year, he married Lorna Mackay and they had three daughters (Lorna; Louisa, Mrs Moorhead C. Kennedy; and, Linda, Mrs Nicholas Homans Davis and afterwards Mrs Arthur Amory Houghton III). They divorced in the 1950s. In 1966, he was married for a third time to Dorothy Michelson-Stevens-Bitter-Dick. He died at Wainscott, New York.