George Carter (1762-1802)

George Carter, of Richmond County, Virginia

He had been a concern to all his family since a boy, not being the sharpest. He was frequently taken advantage of at the gaming tables and this culminated in a staggering loss of £1,863 in just one night. Although his father stepped and arranged for George to honor the debt in annual instalments of £100, his weakness for drink and cards led to his early demise in 1802, in severe debt


Robert Wormeley Carter

Robert W. Carter, J.P., of Sabine Hall, Richmond County, Virginia


Winifred Traverse Beale

Mrs Winifred Traverse (Beale) Carter, of Sabine Hall, Virginia



Sarah Hill Carter

Mrs Sarah Hill (Carter) Carter, Cutting


Associated Houses

Sabine Hall

Warsaw, Virginia

Debt of Honor by Thomas Katheder for Historic Fredericksburg