Ebenezer Frothingham (1756-1814)

Owner of a Small Crockery Store on Marshall's Lane, Boston

He, "kept a small crockery store in Marshall's Lane, tended mainly by his brother-in-law, old Mr. Langdon, "neat as a pink" - in the errands, the future clergyman (his son, Nathaniel) used to assist. Mr. F was very proud of his boy, who distinguished himself in the public schools, and by the aid of Theophilus Parsons, Samuel Dexter, and others, he was sent to Cambridge (Harvard)".


Joanna (Langdon) Frothingham

Mrs Joanna (Langdon) Frothingham



Joanna (Frothingham) Bradlee

Mrs Joanna (Frothingham) Bradlee


Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham

Unitarian Minister & Pastor of the First Church of Boston, Massachusetts
