East Apthorp (1733-1816)

Rev. Dr East Apthorp, D.D. Founder of Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts

He was born at Boston, Massachusetts, into one of its wealthiest families. He was educated at the Boston Latin School before graduating from Jesus College, Cambridge, in England. In 1759, he founded Christ Church, Cambridge (Massachusetts) and served as its first Rector. In 1760, he built the Apthorp House which is now part of Harvard University. Rumors came to the fore that the Anglican Church wished to make him a Bishop and American opposition to the rumors made his position so uncomfortable that he sailed back to England in 1764. Through the patronage of his brother-in-law, Barlow Trecothick, Lord Mayor of London, he served as Vicar of Croydon, Rector of St. Mary-le-Bow in London, Prebendary of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Prebend of Finsbury. He was bestowed as a Doctor of Divinity and a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, where he is buried. In 1761, he married Elizabeth Hutchinson, a niece and granddaughter of two Governors of Massachusetts. They had eight children.


Charles Apthorp

Merchant, of Charles Apthorp & Sons, Boston, Massachusetts


Grizzell (Eastwick) Apthorp

"Madam Apthorp" Mrs Grizzell (Eastwick/Eastwicke) Apthorp



Elizabeth (Hutchinson) Apthorp

Mrs Elizabeth (Hutchinson) Apthorp


Associated Houses

Apthorp House

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Image of Rev. East Apthorp from the FDR Foundation shown in The Gold Coaster & the Missing Copley, by Sean M. Lynn-Jones