Charles Lee Anthony (1820-1874)

Dry Goods Merchant & Co-Founder of the Fourth National Bank, New York

He was born at Brooklyn, Connecticut, and grew up at Providence, Rhode Island, before coming to New York. He established himself as a dry goods merchant and co-partner in the firm of Anthony, Whittemore & Clark. From 1862, he entered into business with George W. Hall an two years later helped establish the Fourth National Bank. He died comparatively young after breaking his leg descending from a streetcar. Among his pallbearers was his son-in-law's father, William H. Vanderbilt. He was the maternal grandfather of Margaret Louise Post (1876-1969) "the last Gilded Age Hostess". 


Catherine (Holmes) Anthony

Mrs Catherine (Holmes) Anthony



Rosalie (Anthony) Post

Mrs Rosalie DeWolf (Anthony) Post


Kate Lee Anthony

Mrs Kate (Anthony) Heiser


Louise (Anthony) Vanderbilt

Mrs "Lulu" Holmes (Anthony) Torrance, afterwards Vanderbilt
