Charles Kenneth Clinton (1889-1976)

C. Kenneth Clinton, Architect, of 1160 Park Avenue, New York City

He graduated from Harvard (1912) and the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He served as a Lieutenant with the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I. In World War II, he translated French Naval specifications at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. As an architect, he was a partner in Russell & Clinton of New York City, designing private residences in the 1920s and 30s. He later worked on the restoration of Mount Guilan, a Dutch Colonial Homestead in Beacon, New York. He was a President of the State Society of the Cincinnati and the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies. He lived between New York and Newport, R.I. He was survived by two daughters.


Charles William Clinton

Charles W. Clinton, Architect, of Russell & Clinton, New York City


Emily (Gorsuch) Clinton

Mrs Emily de Silver (Gorsuch) Clinton



Audrey (Hoffman) Clinton

Mrs Audrey (Hoffman) Clinton



Audrey Clinton Oswald

Mrs Audrey (Clinton) Oswald, Pile; of "Treehaven" 18 Ledge Road, Newport, R.I.


Associated Houses


Newport, Rhode Island