Berkeley Vincent (1783-1804)

Lt. Berkeley Vincent, of the 19th "Green Howards" Regiment; Killed in Ceylon

He was the youngest brother of General John Vincent and was Fort Adjutant at Galle in south Ceylon. Three days into the return march from Captain Johnston's expedition to Kandy, Vincent, of the Grenadier Company, was shot in the groin somewhere in the jungle between Matale and Minneri. He marched on until blood was coming out of his boot at his knee and becoming faint he was laid on a doolie. Carried off by guides on a bye-road with instructions to meet up again on the main route, Vincent implored some of his men to stay with him, even offering £500. The danger was too great, although one private did remain with him, not for financial reward, but for "pity" and "love" of his officer. As the small party moved off with Ensign Smith who had been shot in the chest and two other wounded soldiers, Vincent held an open penknife in his hand, "resolved not to fall alive into the hands of the enemy". None were seen again. 


John Vincent

of Limerick & Erinagh, Co. Clare; Sheriff of the City of Limerick


Lucy Westropp

Mrs Lucy (Westropp) Lindsay, Vincent
