Andrew Robertson (1827-1890)

J.P., President of the Montreal Board of Trade etc.

Born at Paisley in Scotland, he was educated in classics at the Paisley Grammar School. He was a first cousin of James Robertson (1831-1913) who in 1864 established the still famous brand "Robertson's Marmalade". He became a partner in a dry goods company at Glasgow, but following medical advice emigrated to Montreal in 1853. He continued in that business, going into partnership with the future Lord Mount Stephen. He became Chairman of the Montreal Harbour Commission, the first President of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada and President of the Montreal Board of Trade, the Dominion Board of Trade and the Royal Canadian Insurance Company. He purchased and donated the land on which the Erskine Presbyterian Church was built in Montreal, and was President and Governor of the Montreal General Hospital. In Glasgow, 1850, he married Agnes Bow and they were survived by nine children. Their eldest daughter, Mary, married the eldest son of Prime Minister Sir Charles Tupper, 1st. Bt.

Parents (2)

Alexander Robertson

Alexander Robertson, of Paisley, Scotland


Grant Stuart MacDonald

Mrs Grant (MacDonald) Robertson


Spouse (1)

Agnes (Bow) Robertson

Mrs Agnes (Bow) Robertson


Children (9)

Alexander Robertson

Captain Alexander Robertson J.P., of Montreal


John Bow Robertson

J. B. Robertson, of Montreal


Mary (Robertson) Tupper

Mrs Mary Wilson (Robertson) Tupper


Isabella (Robertson) Paton

Mrs "Bella" (Robertson) Paton


Agnes (Robertson) Johnston

Mrs Agnes Grant (Robertson) Johnston


Christina (Robertson) Claxton

Mrs "Christine" MacDonald (Robertson) Claxton


Margaret (Robertson) Strathy

Mrs Margaret Eliza (Robertson) Strathy


Andrew Stuart Robertson

A. Stuart Robertson, J.P., of Claxton & Victoria, British Columbia


William Frew Robertson

W. Frew Robertson, Chairman of the Harbour Board, Montreal


Associated Houses (1)


Montreal, Quebec