Lake House

Lake Delaware, Delaware County, New York

Built in 1820, for Morgan Lewis (1754-1844), Governor of New York, and his wife, Gertrude Livingston (1757-1833). They built their summer home overlooking Lake Delaware in the Catskills for which they named the estate. Its 20,000-acres (contiguous to the three townships of Delhi, Andes and Bovina) were gifted to Mrs Lewis by her brother "The Chancellor" and that land had passed down through the Livingston family since their great-grandfather (Robert) had been named as one of the seven grantees of the Hardenburgh Patent in 1708. To this day, the Lake House and the land surrounding Lake Delaware remains in the same family and continues to be their summer retreat....

This house is best associated with...

Morgan Lewis

Brigadier-General Morgan Lewis, 4th Governor of New York


Gertrude (Livingston) Lewis

Mrs Gertrude (Livingston) Lewis


Margaret (Lewis) Livingston

Mrs Margaret (Lewis) Livingston


Maturin Livingston

Judge Maturin Livingston, Recorder of New York City


Robert James Livingston

Robert J. Livingston, of New York City, Lake Delaware & New Brunswick N.J.


Louisa (Storm) Livingston

Mrs Louisa Matilda (Storm) Livingston


Louisa (Livingston) Gerry

Mrs Louisa Matilda (Livingston) Gerry


Elbridge Thomas Gerry

"Commodore" Elbridge T. Gerry, Founder of New York SPCC etc.


Peter Goelet Gerry

Peter G. Gerry, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island


Edith (Dresser) Gerry

Mrs Edith Stuyvesant (Dresser) Vanderbilt, afterwards Gerry


While the original house on the estate is referred to as "Lake House" the estate itself is known as "Lake Delaware". The house has been enlarged and added to considerably over the years but remains well-loved. The estate passed to the Lewis' only daughter, Mrs Margaret (Lewis) Livingston and then devolved to her third son, Robert James Livingston; and, from him it passed to his daughter, Mrs Louisa (Livingston) Gerry and then to her son, Peter Goelet Gerry, whose siblings built Aknusti and Ancrum on the same estate.

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