Aros House

Aros, Isle of Mull

Built from 1825, as a winter home for Lt.-Col. Hugh Maclean (1782-1861) of Coll. He ran out of money before he could complete his house and it stood unfinished until it was purchased by the wealthy shipping heir Bryce Allan (1814-1874), a younger brother and partner of Sir Hugh Allan of Ravenscrag.... 

This house is best associated with...

Bryce Allan

Bryce Allan, Shipowner, of Liverpool & Aros House, Mull


Alexander Allan

Alexander Allan, J.P., D.L., of Aros House, Mull; Sheriff of Argyllshire


Alastair Hugh Allan

Alastair Allan, of Aros House, Mull


Bryce hired the architect J.M. Wardrop to extend the existing house and add the tower, but he never saw it completed having died that year. His only son, Alexander, immediately retired from the family business to become the full-time Laird of Aros. His grandson, Alastair Allan, sold the house in 1952 and the estate in 1959, both to the Forestry Commission. Having been stripped of its fittings and fixtures, the house was blown up by the army in 1962 - the thickness of its walls had made demolishing it an impossible task.

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