Uriah Cotting (1766-1819)

Merchant & Developer, of 39 Somerset Street, Boston, Massachusetts

He was the son of an innkeeper at Waltham, Massachusetts. After the death of his mother in 1772 he was brought up in the care of his uncle, Dr Amos Cotting. He came to Boston where he started life as an errand boy before becoming a very successful merchant and real estate developer. He was the mentor and business partner of the well-connected industrialist, Francis Cabot Lowell. He was the originator and builder of Broad and Market (now Cornhill) Streets; India and Central Wharfs; and, the Boston & Roxbury Mill Dam etc. In 1819, he sold the 500-acre Cottage Farm property at Brookline to David Sears who built homes for himself and his children there. Cotting was the first occupant of the house known as the Daniel Webster House on Somerset Street, Boston. 


Uriah Cotting

Uriah Cotting, Innkeeper, of Waltham, Massachusetts


Elizabeth Tidd

Mrs "Betty" (Tidd) Cotting


Associated Houses

Daniel Webster House

Boston, Massachusetts