Thomas Biddle (1790-1831)

Major Thomas Biddle, Killed in a Duel at St. Louis, Missouri

He served with distinction in the War of 1812. He was twice wounded at Lundy's Lane and again in the defence of Fort Erie when he was brevetted Major. In 1820, he was appointed Paymaster and stationed at St. Louis. In 1831, he had a violent quarrel with U.S. Congressman from Missouri, Spencer Darwin Pettis, who had publicly criticized Thomas's brother, Nicholas Biddle. Events terminated in a duel, and being near-sighted Biddle chose pistols at the unusually - and absurdly - close distance of just five feet. Both men were killed. Biddle was survived by his wife but died without issue.


Charles Biddle

Shipping Merchant & Vice-President of the Council of Pennsylvania


Hannah (Shepard) Biddle

Mrs Hannah (Shepard) Biddle
