Sir Benjamin Hallowell-Carew (1761-1834)

Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell-Carew, of Carew Manor, Beddington, Surrey

He was born in Boston and grew up at the Hallowell House at Jamaica Plain. His father was Commissioner of Customs for the Port of Boston and on the outbreak of Revolution the family fled to England. His brother, Ward Nicholas Boylston (the first American to visit Smyrna, Baalbek, Jerusalem and Cairo, and a great benefactor to Harvard) had taken the name of their uncle on becoming his sole heir.

Benjamin was educated privately in England and through his father's friendship with Admiral Samuel Hood, he was fast-tracked into the Royal Navy. His career spanned the American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. Having fought at the Battle of the Nile (1796), Nelson named him as one of his "Band of Brothers". He married and had five children. He lived at Carew Manor which he inherited in 1828 from his first cousin, Mrs William Gee, daughter of his paternal aunt, Ann (Hallowell) Gould.


Benjamin Hallowell

Captain Benjamin Hallowell, Commissioner of Customs for the Port at Boston


Mary (Boylston) Hallowell

Mrs Mary (Boylston) Hallowell



Ann Inglefield

Lady Ann (Inglefield) Hallowell-Carew



Benjamin Hallowell-Carew

Lt. Benjamin Hallowell-Carew, H.E.I.C.S., of Markly House, Heathfield, Sussex


Charles Hallowell-Carew

Charles Hallowell-Carew, of Beddington Park, Surrey


John Hallowell-Carew

Colonel John Hallowell-Carew, of London


Robert Hallowell-Carew

Major Robert Hallowell-Carew, of "Emsleigh" Exmouth, Devon


Henrietta Hallowell-Carew

Mrs Henrietta Charlotte (Hallowell-Carew) Hamilton


Associated Houses

Hallowell House

West Roxbury, Massachusetts

Carew Manor

Beddington Park