Sarah (Day) Sands (1816-1906)

Mrs Sarah (Day) Sands

She was the daughter of Mahlon Day (1790-1854), a Quaker from New Jersey who became a prolific author and publisher of children's books. He married an English lady and left a son and four daughters.

Spouse (1)

Abraham Bininger Sands

of A.B. & D. Sands & Co., Pharmaceutical Importers, of New York City


Children (4)

Mahlon Day Sands

of Paris, London, the French Riviera, New York & Newport, Rhode Island


Philip Justice Sands

of 15 East 33rd Street, New York City


Katherine (Sands) Godkin

Mrs Katherine Buckley (Sands) Godkin


Henry Mankin Sands

H.M. Sands, of 48 Avenue Gabriel, Paris; died unmarried
