Robert William Crookshank (1771-1861)

Captain Robert W. Crookshank, J.P., Merchant, of Saint John, New Brunswick

He was born in New York City and settled in Saint John, New Brunswick, soon after the Revolution. He was one of the principal heirs of his childless uncle, John Colville. He entered the shipping business as a partner in Crookshank & Johnston and Crookshank & Walker (1836), West India Merchants. He was President of the Friendly Fire Club; Director of the Saint John Marine Insurance Company the New Brunswick Milling Company; and, the Saint John Water Company. He was Commissioner of the Marine Hospital, Member of the Saint John District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and for many years was a Justice of the Peace. He succeeded his uncle, John Colville, as Commanding Officer of the Loyal Regiment. He lived on Queen Square in Saint John and married Jane, daughter of John and Anne (Munro) Mackenzie of Sutherland in Scotland. They were the parents of 5-sons and 3-daughters.


George Crookshank

Capt. George Crookshank, of New York, New Jersey & Saint John, New Brunswick


Catherine Norris

Mrs Catherine (Norris) Crookshank



Jane (Mackenzie) Crookshank

Mrs Jane (Mackenzie) Crookshank



John Colville Crookshank

John Colville Crookshank, of Kingston, Upper Canada
