William Robert Grattan Holt (1900-1947)

Major (William) Robert Grattan Holt, of 1245 Redpath Crescent, Montreal

He was born in Montreal and was educated in England at Marlborough College before graduating from the Royal Military College, Kingston. In 1915, he was on board the Lusitania with fellow Canadians Sir Frederick Orr-Lewis, Lady Allan and her two daughters, Dorothy Braithwaite, and Mrs Frances Stephens, when it was torpedoed. Holt was among the lucky ones to survive: he gave his lifebelt away and jumped into the sea using a loose oar that helped keep him afloat until he could be rescued.

He served as a Major in World War II and in 1922 married Mary Lucille, daughter of F.H. Jeffrey. They had two children. Their son was killed in World War II and their daughter, Pam Dunn, became a well-known philanthropist in Montreal, supporting the Royal Victoria Hospital, Bishop’s University, the Sun Youth Organization, Dans La Rue, the Douglas Hospital, the Montreal Association for the Blind, the Butters Foundation etc. In 2020, the "William R. Grattan Holt House" at 1245 Redpath Crescent (see images and video) became the most expensive house ($20-million) sold in the Province of Quebec.


Sir Herbert Samuel Holt

K.B., of Montreal, President of the Royal Bank of Canada


Jessie (Paton) Holt

Lady Jessie Bernie (Paton) Holt



Mary Lucille (Jeffrey) Holt

Mrs Mary Lucille (Jeffrey) Holt



Peter Grattan Holt

Flying Officer Peter Grattan Holt, K.I.A.


Pam Dunn

Mrs "Pam" Olsa Jane (Holt) Dunn

