Rene-Louis de Lotbiniere (1642-1709)

Seigneur de Lotbiniere; Chief Councillor of the Sovereign Council of New France

Born in Paris, he was baptised at the Church of St.-Nicholas-des-Champs. He came to New France with his parents in 1651. As a young man, he took part in early campaigns against the Iroquois and Mohawks. In 1672, he was granted the Seigneury of Lotbiniere.  In 1674, he was appointed to the Sovereign Council of New France for life, the only Councillor to be personally appointed by King Louis XIV. In 1677, he replaced his father as Lieutenant-General for Civil and Criminal Affairs (Judge) of the Provost Court, and in stark contrast to him was commended for his honesty and competence. In 1690, he was the Colonel in command of the militia during the Siege of Quebec City. In 1703, the King appointed him Chief Counsellor of the Sovereign Council. His niece, the Marquise de Vaudreuil, was wife of the Governor-General of New France.


Louis-Theandre de Lotbiniere

Lt.-General of the Provosts Court, the Disreputable 'Father of Canadian Magistrature'


Elisabeth (d'Amours) de Lotbinière

Élisabeth (d'Amours de Clignancourt) Chartier de Lotbinière



Marie-Madeleine Lambert

Marie Madeleine (Lambert) Chartier de Lotbinière



Louis-Eustache de Lotbinière

Archdeacon, Seigneur de Lotbiniere & Member of the Sovereign Council, Quebec


Louise (de Lotbinière) d'Esgly

Louise-Philippe (de Lotbinière) Mariauchau d'Esgly


Louise (de Lotbinière) de la Ronde

Mme. Marie-Louise (Chartier de Lotbinière) Denys de la Ronde


Angelique (de Lotbinière) de Lino

Angelique (Chartier de Lotbinière) de Lino de Chalmette, Comtesse des Meloizes

