Rebecca Amory (Payne) Gore (1759-1834)

Mrs Rebecca Amory (Payne) Gore

She married her husband, the future Governor of Massachusetts, in 1785 and together they built Gore Place. Rebecca was interested in both architecture and horticulture and she was instrumental in its design. Her brother, William, recalled her as follows: "With a mind above ordinary women, was united a kindness of heart and a disinterestedness, which showed itself in deeds and not in words. Without children, she was a mother to those of two families. Fond of retirement and domestic quiet, she loved to have her friends about her. Devoted to the care of a sick husband, she still kept up her intercourse with society and fulfilled her duties to it. An active member of society, none could live within the circle in which she moved without being affected by her influence". 


Edward Payne

Edward Payne, Merchant & Shipowner, of Boston, Massachusetts


Rebecca (Amory) Payne

Mrs Rebecca (Amory) Payne



Christopher Gore

U.S. Senator & 8th Governor of Massachusetts


Associated Houses

Gore Place

Waltham, Massachusetts


Image of "Rebecca Gore" Courtesy of the the Harvard Art Museum Collection; Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vol. 13, 1875