Pierre Fauconnier (1659-1746)

Pierre or Peter Fauconnier, Private Secretary to the Governor of New York

He came from a family of French Huguenots (Protestants) who fled to England, settling in London. He came to America as the private secretary to Edward Hyde, the cross-dressing Earl of Clarendon whose cousin, Queen Anne, had appointed him Governor of New York and New Jersey. In 1705, Fauconnier was given a patent of 10,000-acres in Dutchess County, New York, which he name for his employer: Hyde Park.  


Madeleine Pasquereau

Mme. Madeleine (Pasquereau) Fauconnier



Madeleine Fauconnier

Mme. Madeleine (Fauconnier) Valleau


Associated Houses

Vanderbilt Mansion

Hyde Park, New York