Nancy (Leiter) Campbell (1873-1930)

Mrs Nancy Lathrop Carver (Leiter) Campbell

She was married at the Leiter House in Washington D.C. on November 29th, 1904. It was reported of her at the time that, "although born in Chicago and receiving her early education in the schools of that city, she is in manner, speech and dress as English as though she had never been outside the British Isles, and is as thoroughly informed on all political and social questions pertaining to that empire as to her native land".


Levi Leiter

Levi Ziegler Leiter, Co-Founder of Marshall Field & Co., Chicago


Mary (Carver) Leiter

Mrs Mary Theresa (Carver) Leiter



Colin Powys Campbell

Lt.-Colonel Colin Powys Campbell, of the Central Indian Cavalry


Associated Houses

Leiter House

Washington D.C.

James G. Blaine Mansion

Washington D.C.

1400 New Hampshire Avenue

Washington D.C.
