Murdoch Stuart (1737-1821)

Murdoch Stuart, Paymaster in Wolfe's Army at Quebec

He was said to have been born in Tain, Ross-shire, and came to Quebec as the Paymaster to General Wolfe's army. He settled there and was the first of "the enemy" to marry a French-Canadian girl.  In 1770, he purchased the most part of the fief of Monceaux - known as "Le Domaine de Monceaux" - from The Hon. Jean-Antoine Panet (1751-1815), 1st Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada. Stuart gifted this property to his daughter, Angelica, on which her second husband, John MacNider, built Kilmarnock Manor that still stands today in Sillery, Quebec. 


Angelique (Cartier) Stuart

Mrs Jeanne-Angelique (Cartier) Stuart



Mary (Stuart) Munro

Mrs Marie (Stuart) Munro


Angelica (Stuart) MacNider

Mrs Angelica (Stuart) Ross, MacNider
