Col. Miles Brewton (1731-1775)

Merchant & Slave Trader of Charleston; Member of the Commons & Council of Safety

He made an opportune marriage and went on to own eight ships, becoming South Carolina's largest slave trader & with it one of its wealthiest men. By the time of the Revolutionary War, he owned several plantations (growing rice & indigo), including Mount Joseph in today's Calhoun County. He was elected a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress. In August, 1775, while traveling with his family in that capacity to Philadelphia, their ship went down and they were all drowned at sea.


Col. Robert Brewton

of Charleston, South Carolina


Mary (Griffith) Brewton

Mrs Mary (Griffith) Loughton, Brewton



Mary (Izard) Brewton

Mrs Mary (Izard) Brewton


Associated Houses

Miles Brewton House

27 King Street, Charleston, South Carolina
