Marcia Burns (1782-1832)

Mrs Marcia (Burnes) Van Ness "The Heiress of Washington"

A founding member and "indefatigable worker" for the Washington Female Orphan Asylum. She was known as the "Heiress of Washington" having inherited her father's 700-acre farm that is today downtown Washington D.C. The sculptor Horatio Greenough (1805-1852) wrote this to her memory: "Mid rank and wealth and worldly pride; From every snare she turned aside; She sought the low, the humble shed; Where gaunt disease and famine tread; And from that time, in youthful pride; She stood Van Ness's blooming bride; No day her blameless head o'er past; But saw her dearer than the last".


David Burnes II

Lt. "Davy" Burnes II, of Washington D.C.


Anne Wightt

Mrs Anne (Wightt) Burnes



John Peter Van Ness

General J.P. Van Ness, Congressman & Mayor of Washington D.C.



Ann (Van Ness) Middleton

Mrs Ann Elbertina (Van Ness) Middleton


Associated Houses

Van Ness House

Washington D.C.