Lilias Torrance Newton (1896-1980)

Lilias (Torrance) Newton, R.C.A., LL.D., Society Portraitist, of Montreal

She was born at Lachine, Quebec, a great-granddaughter of John Torrance who built Saint-Antoine Hall at Montreal. When she was sixteen, she went to study full time with William Byrmner (1855-1925) at the Art Association of Montreal, where she won a scholarship in Life class in her first year. During World War I she traveled to London with her mother to help with the Red Cross war effort. While there she attended art classes with Alfred Wolmark (1877-1961). She remained in London after the war and studied for a further six months under Wolmark. In 1923 she returned to Europe and studied in Paris with Alexandre Jacovleff (1887-1938). She became extremely well known for her extraordinary draftsmanship, skill with colour, and her ability to capture the personality of her clients. She died at Cowansville, Quebec.


Forbes Torrance

Forbes Torrance, Merchant & Amateur Artist, of Montreal


Alice (Stewart) Torrance

Mrs Alice Mary (Stewart) Torrance
