Lewis Lawrence Reford (1879-1949)

Dr Lewis L. Reford, Neurosurgeon, of Montreal

He was born at Montreal. He graduated in arts from McGill University before studying Neuroscience at John Hopkins University, Baltimore. He joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force as a Captain (later promoted to Major) and tended to wounded soldiers in England and France. He lived at 307 Pine Avenue West before moving to 287 Drummond Street and after his marriage he lived 291 Drummond, just south of Craigruie where his wife had lived before their marriage. He was married in 1915 to Jean, the youngest daughter of Duncan McIntyre, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway and Founder of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada.


Robert Wilson Reford

Founder & President of the Robert Reford Shipping Agency, Montreal


Katherine (Drummond) Reford

Mrs "Kate" Katherine Sherriff (Drummond) Reford



Jean (McIntyre) Reford

Mrs Jean Cassils (McIntyre) Reford


Associated Houses


Montreal, Quebec

Image Courtesy of the Notman Archives, Montreal