Lewis Henry Burton (1786-1830)

(Lewis) Henry Burton, Slave-Trader, of Georgetown, Demerara

He was described as a 'merchant' but was almost certainly a slave-trader: "In July 1816, Henry Burton transported 30 slaves to Demerara , and he sent 22 more in February...". His death was announced in the Liverpool Mercury: "In Georgetown, Demerara... Henry Burton, Esq., in the 44th year of his age, sincerely and justly regretted by a numerous circle of acquaintances and friends. He was a native of Tuam, in the county of Galway, Ireland." He seems to have died unmarried. 


Edward Burton

Rev. Edward Burton, of Tuam & Newgarden House, Co. Galway


Maria (Campbell) Burton

Mrs Maria Margaretta (Campbell) Burton


Imperialism and the State in the Third World (1992) by Michael Twaddle