Julian Broome Livingston Allen (1900-1967)

Julian B.L. Allen, President of Morgan et Cie., of Paris

He was born in Pelham Manor, New York. He studied at St. Paul's School, Concord, but left aged-15 to be an ambulance driver in France during World War I where he was cited for bravery and endurance for transporting the wounded under fire. He then joined the British Army as a Lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards. He remained in France after the war where his cousin, Madeleine, the Princess de Poix, ensured his acceptance into the highest levels of society. He was working for the Banker's Trust Company and living at 4 Avenue de Bois, Paris, when against the wishes of his parents he married Mrs Eileen (Kearney) Dillingham, an actress and divorcee ten years his senior. They divorced in 1926, remarried in 1927, and divorced again in 1936. Weeks after the second divorce was confirmed he married Alice Harding Pell, also in Paris. 

During World War II they returned to New York and Julian served as a Colonel in the Air Force. They returned to Paris after the war where he was President of Morgan et Cie (a subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Co.) and President of Clark, Dodge & Co. They lived between Paris; Chateau de Quetteville (pictured) in Calvados, Normandy; Bolton Priory, Pelham Manor, New York; and, Sugar Hill Farm, Wallingford, Vermont. He had two children.


Frederick Hobbes Allen

Frederick H. Allen, Corporate Lawyer & Mayor of Pelham Manor, New York


Adele (Stevens) Allen

Mrs "Daisy" Adele Livingston (Stevens) Allen



Alice (Harding) Allen

Mrs Alice Moore (Harding) Pell, Allen



Mary (Allen) de Lyrot

Mary Elizabeth (Allen), Comtesse de Lyrot


Frederick Harding Stevens Allen

Frederick H.S. Allen, of Paris & New York City


