Joseph Addison Jameson (1825-1890)

Joseph A. Jameson, of the Bank of Jameson, Smith & Cotting, New York

He was born in Ohio and in early adulthood went to St. Louis where he opened a dry goods store with Amos Cotting who would subsequently (1855) marry his sister, Elizabeth. Their firm was hugely successful and at the close the Civil War (1866) they went to New York City with a million dollars each to establish a bank. The bank was just as successful and when Jameson died, he was worth several million dollars. He died very soon after his brother-in-law and business partner, Amos Cotting, which many attributed to grief as it was very sudden and they'd been very close. Jameson was described as, "quiet and retiring in his disposition, without any political aspirations, and devotedly attached to his home and kindred. In business, he was energetic, far-sighted, and industrious in his habits, from early life till its close". 


Alexander Rankin Jameson

Alexander R. Jameson, of Lebanon, Ohio & St. Louis, Missouri


Elizabeth Eddy

Mrs Elizabeth (Eddy) Jameson



The Jamesons in America 1647-1900, Genealogical Records & Memoranda (1901) by Ephraim Jameson