John Lovat McTavish (1787-1852)

of "Brooklandwood" Maryland; British Consul at Baltimore

He was the nephew of Simon McTavish, founder of the North West Company in Montreal who left a fortune in excess of roughly $500,000 in 1804. John became his principal heir after his four first cousins all died young and unmarried. In 1815, he married Emily Caton at her maternal grandfather's home, Doughoregan Manor, and they were the parents of four children. They lived at Brooklandwood, Maryland. 

Parents (2)

Alexander McTavish

Alexander McTavish


Marjory Fraser

Mrs Marjory (Fraser) McTavish


Spouse (1)

Emily (Caton) McTavish

Mrs Emily Jane (Caton) McTavish


Children (4)

Charles Carroll MacTavish

M.P., for Dundalk in Ireland, and Planter, of Carrollton Hall, Maryland


Mary Wellesley (MacTavish) Howard

Mrs Mary Wellesley (MacTavish) Howard


Capt. Alexander Simon MacTavish

Killed in Action at Hatcher's Run, Dinwiddie County, Virginia


Richard Caton MacTavish

Died in childhood


Associated Houses (1)

Doughoregan Manor

Ellicott City, Maryland