John Jay (1745-1829)

1st Chief Justice of the United States, Governor of New York, etc.

He was one of America's most distinguished statesmen, diplomats and abolitionists. He was a U.S. Founding Father; President of the Second Continental Congress (1778-1779); Negotiator and Signatory of the Treaty of Paris of 1783; 1st Chief Justice of the United States (1789-1795); Acting 1st Secretary of State (1789-1790); and, 2nd Governor of New York (1795-1801). He directed U.S. foreign policy for much of the 1780s and was an important leader of the Federalist Party. He married Sarah, daughter of William Livingston, 1st Governor of New Jersey. They were the parents of two sons and four daughters. Five of their six children survived to adulthood (Susan Jay was less than a month old when she died) and only one of their daughters married: Maria, became Mrs Goldsborough Banyer whose mother owned Richmond Hill


Peter Jay

Peter or Pierre Jay, of the "The Locusts," Westchester Co., New York


Mary (Van Cortlandt) Jay

Mrs Mary (Van Cortlandt) Jay



Sarah (Livingston) Jay

Mrs Sarah Van Brugh (Livingston) Jay



Peter Augustus Jay

Recorder & Member of the New York State Assembly


Maria (Jay) Banyer

Mrs Maria (Jay) Banyer


Ann Jay

"Nancy" Jay, of New York City, died unmarried


William Jay

William Jay, Judge & Abolitionist, of Westchester County, New York


Sarah Louisa Jay

Sarah Louisa Jay, died in early adulthood, unmarried


Associated Houses

The Locusts

Rye, New York

Image Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Wiki Commons