Jane (Chambers) Garniss (1766-1840)

Mrs Jane (Chambers) MacLachlan, Garniss

She married her first husband, Michael MacLachlan, soon after he retired from business in Jamaica and acquired a brewery in New York City. They had two children. Just seven months after her husband died, on August 27th 1804, she married his brewer, Philip Garniss, but the marriage quickly fell apart from as early as 1804 when it transpired that he had only married her to take possession of the brewery. How the marriage ended is unclear, but he was most likely bought off.


Michael MacLachlan

Merchant, of Jamaica in the West Indies & Brewery Owner of New York City



Alexander MacLachlan

Died at New York in early adulthood, unmarried


Juliana (MacLachlan) Gardiner

Mrs Juliana (MacLachlan) Gardiner
