James Ryder Burton (1795-1876)

Admiral "Ryder" Burton R.N., K.H., of London & Dunstall Priory, Kent

His first cousin, Joseph Netterville Burton, was the father of the celebrated explorer, scholar and translator, Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton. Ryder Burton married twice: (1) Fanny, the daughter of the Rev. John Orr (d.1837), for more than forty years Rector of Dunmore, Co. Galway, and nephew of the 1st Marquess of Ely (2) In 1823, the Hon. Anna, widow of Philip Roche (1780-1812) of Dublin, and the youngest daughter of Randal Plunkett, 13th Lord Dunsany. He and his second wife lived between 15 Park Square East in Marylebone, London, and Dunstall Priory at Shoreham, Kent. By Anna, in addition to two stepchildren, he had three children. Their son married Sarah Erle-Drax, heiress to Charborough House and Drax Hall etc.

In 1846, Lord Auckland wrote to Prime Minister Russell that: "Captain James Ryder Burton... is very anxious to be knighted" and that he would accept retirement if he received this honour. Burton, Auckland, and other Lords felt he ought to be knighted on account of his being married to a daughter of a Lord, leading Auckland to conclude that, "the favour should be granted him". It was not, and Burton's "anxiety" was no doubt the reason behind his attempt to revive what he claimed was a 'dormant family baronetcy'.


Edmund Burton

Very Rev. Edmund Burton, Dean of Killala, Co. Galway


Martha (Judge) Burton

Mrs Martha (Judge) Burton



Anna Maria (Plunkett) Burton

Hon. Anna Maria (Plunkett) Roche, Burton



Francis Augustus Plunkett Burton

Col. Francis Augustus Plunkett Burton, of the Coldstream Guards


Policing the Seas: Anglo-American Relations and the Equatorial Atlantic, 1819-1865 (2008) by Mark C. Hunter