James Abraham Hillhouse (1789-1841)

Poet & Author, of New Haven, Connecticut

He was born at New Haven, Connecticut, and graduated from Yale (1808). He was a poet, "and possessed literary attainments of a very high character". He authored Percy's Masque, Hadad, The Judgement etc. His literary works were published in 12mo in 1839. In 1823, he married Cornelia, daughter of Isaac Lawrence, President of the United States Bank at New York City. They lived at New Haven and had four children of whom three survived infancy.


James Hillhouse

U.S. Senator from Connecticut & President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate


Rebecca (Woolsey) Hillhouse

Mrs Rebecca (Woolsey) Hillhouse



Cornelia (Lawrence) Hillhouse

Mrs Cornelia Ann (Lawrence) Hillhouse
