Jacob Drake (1732-1823)

Colonel Jacob Drake, of Drakesville, Morristown, New Jersey

He is remembered as a prominent Patriot. In 1775, he was elected to, "the committee of correspondence in regards to the association of The Continental Congress (and) in this work he helped inspire the First Amendment". He was a New Jersey Assemblyman and one of nine delegates directed to raise money, arms, and men for the state's defense. In that capacity, he was a frequent guest at his cousin's house in Plainfield, the Nathaniel Drake House. During the war, he served as the Colonel in command of the Morris County militia. He was "a man of large business" and owned a tavern, sawmill and gristmill. By 1810 he owned 950-acres in Morris County and the village of Drakesville (known today as Ledgewood) was named in his honor. His home, the Jacob Drake House, on Emmans Road still stands. He was married three times and was the father of at least seven children. Among his many descendants he is Annie Drake whose husband S.H.H. Clark was a Railroad President and Jay Gould's man in the west. 

Spouse (1)

Esther Dickerson

Mrs Esther (Dickerson) Drake


Children (1)

Jacob Drake

Jacob Drake Jr., of Mount Freedom, Randolph, Morris Co., New Jersey


Associated Houses (1)

Jacob Drake House

6-8 Emmans Road, Ledgewood, New Jersey