Hugh Mackay (b.1875)

K.C., of Montreal

He was born at Montreal, graduated from McGill University, and was called to the Quebec Bar in 1900. He was Vice-President of North American Collieries and Toronto & Niagara Power Co. He was a Director of Wabasso Cotton Co.; Dominion Transport Co.; Shawinigan Cotton Co.; Canadian Kraft Co.; Abbey Effervescent Salt Co.; Toronto & York Radial Railway Co.; Toronto Power Co.; Electrical Development Co.; Wayagamack Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.; Toronto Railway Company; Business Systems Ltd.; City Coal Co.; Coal Sellars Ltd.; Wayagamack News Ltd.; Mercerisers Ltd.; St. Maurice Valley Cotton Co. Ltd.; and, the Shedden Forwarding Co. He took silk as a K.C. in 1913 and served as a Captain with the 5th Royal Highlanders during World War I. In 1903, he married Isabel, daughter of J.N. Greenshields, and had two sons and two daughters.


Robert Mackay

Senator from Montreal & Vice-President of the Bell Telephone Company


Jane (Baptist) Mackay

Mrs Jane (Baptist) Mackay



Isabel (Greenshields) Mackay

Mrs Isabel Mitchell (Greenshields) Mackay
