Henry Banning Chew (1800-1866)

of "Epsom" Baltimore County, Maryland

He was born in Philadelphia and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. He became a merchant, trading between Philadelphia and the Caribbean, but was not successful and after his marriage moved to Epsom, one of his wife's family properties in Maryland. He was active in local politics and helped to develop Towson so that part of the town was named Chewsville. Disgusted by Maryland's politics during the Civil War, he returned to Philadelphia in 1862 and died at Cliveden four years later. He was the father of eight children but only three sons survived to adulthood.

Parents (2)

Benjamin Chew Jr.

of "Cliveden" Germantown, Pennsylvania


Katherine Banning

Mrs Katherine (Banning) Chew


Spouse (1)

Harriet (Ridgely) Chew

Mrs Harriet (Ridgely) Chew


Children (3)

Capt. Charles Ridgely Chew

of "Epsom" Baltimore County, Maryland


Benjamin Chew IV

Benjamin Chew IV


Samuel Chew

"Centennial" Samuel Chew, of Cliveden, Germantown, Pennsylvania


Associated Houses (1)


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Image of Epsom Courtesy of the Frick Art Reference Library