George Russell James Bowdoin (1809-1870)

Attorney, of Bowdoin, Larocque, & Barlow, New York

He was born in Massachusetts and changed his name when he turned twenty-one in 1830 from George Russell Sullivan to George Russell James Bowdoin in compliance with the will of his maternal great-uncle, James Bowdoin, the founder of Bowdoin College and the only son of James Bowdoin, Governor of Massachusetts. He graduated from West Point and in 1846 was appointed Lt.‑Colonel of the 4th Regiment of New York Volunteers. In New York he was a lawyer and senior partner with Bowdoin, Larocque, & Barlow. He married a granddaughter of U.S. Statesman Alexander Hamilton and they had one child who survived to adulthood. He died in London.


George Sullivan

Attorney of New York City & Secretary to the U.S. Legation at Madrid


Sarah (Winthrop) Sullivan

Mrs Sarah Bowdoin (Winthrop) Sullivan



Frances (Hamilton) Bowdoin

Mrs "Fanny" Frances (Hamilton) Bowdoin



George Sullivan Bowdoin

Banker & Treasurer of the Metropolitan Opera & Real Estate Co., New York

