Evelyn Byrd (Moale) Burden (1847-1916)

Mrs Evelyn Byrd (Moale) Burden

She grew up in Baltimore where her and her twin sister (Judith) were noted society "belles". Both she and her sister were named through her father's family for their great-great grandmother, Mrs Anne (Byrd) Carter who grew up at the Westover Plantation in Virginia. Evelyn married I. Townsend Burden and they lived between 115 East 70th Street in New York City and "Fairlawn" in Newport. They were prominent members of "The Four Hundred" as was her sister who married Robert Livingston Cutting Jr. The Burdens had four children: (1) Evelyn, died unmarried (2) I. Townsend Jr., married Florence Sheedy of Denver, Colorado (3) William, married Florence Vanderbilt Twombly, heiress to Florham and Vinland (4) Gwendolyn, married David Dows.  


William Armistead Moale

William Armistead Moale, Attorney, of Baltimore, Maryland


Mary (Winchester) Moale

Mrs Mary (Winchester) Moale



I. Townsend Burden

Isaiah Townsend Burden, of the Burden Iron Works, Troy, New York



Evelyn Byrd Burden

Evelyn Byrd Burden, died unmarried


I. Townsend Burden Jr.

(Isaiah) Townsend Burden III


William Armistead Moale Burden

William A.M. Burden, Member of the New York Stock Exchange


Gwendolyn (Burden) Dows

Mrs Gwendolyn Townsend (Burden) Dows


Image from the Collection of the Museum of the City of New York