Emily (Johnston) de Forest (1851-1942)

Mrs Emily (Johnston) de Forest; Author & Collector of Cold Spring Harbor, New York

She was the daughter and wife of two Presidents of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She wrote and published the memoirs of her both her grandfathers: John Johnston of New York, Merchant (1909), and James Colles, 1788-1883, Life & Letters (1926). She also wrote a family history of her husband's family: A Walloon Family in America; Lockwood de Forest and his Forbears 1500-1848 (1914). She had four children.

Parents (2)

John Taylor Johnston

Railroad President & 1st President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Frances (Colles) Johnston

Mrs "Fanny" (Colles) Johnston


Spouse (1)

Robert Weeks DeForest

President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City


Children (4)

Johnston de Forest

Attorney, of New York City


Henry Lockwood de Forest

of New York City


Ethel (de Forest) Whitman

Mrs Ethel (de Forest) Vermilye, Whitman


Frances Emily (de Forest) Stewart

Mrs Frances Emily (de Forest) Stewart
