Dr. Daniel Oliver (1787-1842)

Professor of Medicine etc., at Dartmouth and Cincinnati

He was born at Marblehead, Massachusetts, and was a great-grandson of Andrew Oliver, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard (1806), and studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1810. He practiced for many years at Salem while lecturing in chemistry at Dartmouth College. In 1820, he was appointed Professor of Medicine, etc. at Hanover, New Hampshire, and in 1827-28, he briefly lectured on the same at Bowdoin College. In 1828, he took the chair of Intellectual Philosophy at Dartmouth but resigned all his professorships there in 1837. He was briefly (1841-42) Professor of Medicine at Cincinnati. Aside from science, he was well versed in classical languages and was familiar with French and German. In 1835, he published First Lines of Physiology (Boston, 1835) and in 1838 he received the degree of LL.D. from Hobart. He married Mary, daughter of Edward Pulling of Cambridge, Massachusetts. They were the parents of several children and he died at Cambridge.


Rev. Thomas Fitch Oliver

Rector of the Episcopal Church at Marblehead, Massachusetts


Sarah (Pynchon) Oliver

Mrs Sarah (Pynchon) Oliver
