David Hadden (1773-1856)

Senior Partner of Hadden & Co., Silk Merchants, New York City

He was born in Scotland at Aberdeen where his father was Bailie and two of his brothers served as Provosts. He apprenticed as a cloth manufacturer in Leeds where he started up on his own account before moving to New York in 1806. He established David Hadden & Sons on Pine Street in Lower Manhattan that later became known as Hadden & Co. Importing silk and mattings, by 1845 his personal fortune was estimated at $200,000. He was twice appointed President of the Andrew's Society of the State of New York. In 1809, he married Ann, daughter of the late William Smith Aspinwall and they were the parents of eleven children, ten of whom (listed above) survived to adulthood. The family lived at 20 Lafayette Place, New York City.

Parents (2)

Alexander Hadden

Merchant & Bailie, of Aberdeen, Scotland


Elspeth (Young) Hadden

Mrs Elspeth (Young) Hadden


Spouse (1)

Ann (Aspinwall) Hadden

Mrs Ann (Aspinwall) Hadden


Children (10)

Isabella (Hadden) Tomes

Mrs Isabella (Hadden) Tomes


William Alexander Hadden

Silk Merchant, of Hadden & Co., New York City


Mary Aspinwall Hadden

of 18 East 33rd Street, New York City, died unmarried


Sarah Platt Hadden

Sarah Platt Hadden, died unmarried


Margaret Frances Hadden

died unmarried at Florence, Italy


Anna Hadden

of 18 East 33rd Street, New York City, died unmarried


John Aspinwall Hadden

John Aspinwall Hadden, Sr., of Fifth Avenue, New York City


Eleanor (Hadden) Tomes

Mrs Eleanor (Hadden) Tomes


Laura (Hadden) Curtis

Mrs Laura (Hadden) Curtis


Elizabeth Farquhar Hadden

of 18 East 33rd Street, New York City, died unmarried


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