David Grant (1712-1806)

Colonel David Grant, "of Blairfindy" & Montreal

He was a Jacobite and a distinguished officer in the Army and Court of Charles Edward Stuart. He was discharged of his duties in 1774 and left France for Canada. His services to the Jacobite cause are acknowledged by the Young Pretender in a letter sent to Grant from Rome in 1774: "Colonel Grant of Blairfindy. The assurances of your Loyalty and attachement are always agreeable to me and the account you guive me of the service you have been of to so worthy a young man as you represent Sir John Gordon of Park guives me great pleasure... It is however a subject of concern to me to finde that you have been obliged to quit the Court where you have been so frequently useful to your countrymen my faithful subjects. I heartily wish you all the happiness in yr next acquisition and am with esteem, your sincere friend, Charles Rex." Colonel David Grant is the direct ancestor of the Barons of Longueuil (created in 1700 and still in use today) his son (David Alexander Grant) having married the 4th Baroness. 


William Grant

William Grant, Laird of Blairfindy


Jean (Tyrie) Grant

Mrs Jean (Tyrie) Grant



Elizabeth (Richardson) Grant

Mrs Elizabeth (Richardson) Grant



David Alexander Grant

Captain David Alexander Grant, of the 84th Regiment
